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Staff Sexual Harassment and Stalking Harassment Prevention Measures

  1. Employers or those who have management and supervision power due to work relationship shall not use power, opportunity or method at work to sexually harass employees or job applicants, nor condone others to sexually harass employees or job applicants.

  2. Employees shall not sexually harass colleagues in the workplace, nor shall they sexually harass colleagues while performing their duties.

  3. In the event of sexual harassment in the workplace, the employer or the person who has the right to supervise the workplace shall dissuade or otherwise deal with the situation appropriately; failure to dissuade or otherwise deal with the situation appropriately shall be considered as connivance.

  4. Companies should strive to prevent sexual harassment and stalking harassment, improve workplace facilities to protect employees from sexual harassment, and regularly hold or encourage employees to participate in educational seminars on sexual harassment and stalking harassment prevention.

  5. Issued a written statement prohibiting workplace sexual harassment and stalking harassment prevention.

  6. Handle complaints confidentially and protect complainants from any retaliation or other adverse treatment.

  7. Formulate investigations to implement disciplinary measures for behavior.

  8. Set up a dedicated telephone line and mailbox for handling sexual harassment and stalking harassment complaints.

  9. Preventive measures against illegal violations in the workplace.

9.1 Implemented in accordance with the guidelines for the prevention of unlawful infringement in the performance of duties stipulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Ministry of Labor.

​​ 10. Employee complaints and investigations 

related to violations of the Act of Gender Equality in Employment and the OccupationalSafety and Health Act.

10.1 Employees or job seekers who experience sexual harassment, stalking harassment, or workplace violence in the workplace may contact the Human Resources Division to obtain a "Sexual Harassment/Stalking Harassment/Workplace Violence Complaint".

​10.2 In order to handle complaints of sexual harassment, the Manager of the Human Resources Division is hereby requested to receive complaints, or to establish a complaint handling committee within 7 days of the complaint and begin investigation and deliberation, depending on the circumstances.

10.3 In order to handle the appeal case, when necessary, the applicant accepting the appeal may invite the appellant to attend to explain or state his opinions, and may conduct an investigation according to the appellant's application; the appellant shall not refuse unless there are legitimate reasons.

10.4 Complaints of sexual harassment may make an oral report or make in writing report. If the plaintiff makes an oral report, the person or the unit handling the case should create a written record that is either read to the plaintiff or given to the plaintiff toread. Once the content of the report is confirmed accurate, the plaintiff is asked to sign or affix a seal.

10.5 In order to investigate and review complaints of sexual harassment or stalking harassment, those accepting complaints may request relevant personnel or units to provide relevant materials, and such relevant personnel or units shall not evade, obstruct or refuse.

10.6 During the investigation and deliberation process, the rights and interests of the complainant shall be protected, and the complaint case shall be handled in a confidential manner, and the name of the complainant or other relevant information sufficient to identify the complainant shall not be disclosed.

10.7 The appeal shall be closed within two months from the date of filing; if necessary, it may be extended for one month and the parties concerned shall be notified. Plaintiffs or defendants who disagree with the resolution of an application may submit a written appeal within ten days after receiving the resolution. After the appeal case mentioned in the preceding paragraph is closed, another appeal on the same matter is not allowed.

10.8 Complaints and re-complaints of sexual harassment shall not be accepted under any of the following circumstances:

(1) Complaints, re-complaints, or verbal records that have not been corrected within 14 days after being notified.

(2) The investigation of the same incident has been completed and the investigation results have been sent back to the party concerned.

10.9 The person who accepts the appeal shall make a written record of the handling of the appeal case and keep it sealed for at least 3 years.

10.10 The company shall not be dismissed, transferred or otherwise unfavorable because of sexual harassment or complaints filed by employees.

​10.11 If there is a fact of sexual harassment or stalking harassment, the company will punish the complainant according to the severity of the case, such as admonishment, demerit, major demerit, transfer, demotion, etc., or be dismissed in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 12 of the Labor Standards Law ; If the fact involves criminal liability, the company may transfer it to the judiciary at the same time.

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