Environmental Protection
Air Pollution Management
The Company’s Safety and Health Office is dedicated to prevent all types of air pollution. Waste gases and process exhausts are effectively collected and treated by the most appropriate pollution prevention equipment. The exhausts are tested for compliance with regulations before being released. The main sources of air pollutants are emissions from boiler combustion and process exhausts. The types of pollutants include: particulate matter, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, dust, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), waste heat and odors. For different process exhaust flue, the Company installs prevention and treatment equipments, such as: cyclone dust collector, bag type dust collector, activated carbon adsorption and filling tower, wet scrubber tower, etc.
For more details on air pollution management performance in recent years: 2023 Kenda Sustainability Report 3.2 Energy and Greenhouse Gas
Emissions Management (p.70).